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3 Tips for Cleaning Laminate Flooring
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In residential settings, laminate flooring is great for families with potentially messy children and pets.
Some of the same reasons that laminate flooring is popular in homes makes it popular in certain commercial and industrial settings. It’s budget-friendly compared to some other surfaces, and as noted above, it’s relatively durable. It also comes in a wide range of colors and styles.
One thing we didn’t mention there is its ease of cleaning. Laminate floors require special care because if they’re damaged, they can’t simply be refinished.
Don’t let that discourage you, though. Here are some ways that you can remember the special care that your laminate floors need:
1. Pay Attention To Care Instructions
With laminate floors, you want to pay attention to the manufacturer’s instructions on how to properly clean them. There are specific care instructions that come with every laminate floor and by keeping good records of your laminate flooring and following those manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning it, you can extend its life and make sure it still looks as good as the day you first installed it.
Also remember to keep it dry. Laminate flooring is notorious for not doing well with water. It’s not that it can’t ever get wet, but you don’t want it to be wet for very long. That means frequent sweeping, vacuuming, and dry mopping. The cleaner you can keep a surface using dry cleaning methods, the less damage it will endure due to dirt build-up, and the less frequently you’ll need to wash it using more traditional wet methods.
2. Spot Treat the Hard Stains
When you find yourself with a tough stain on laminate flooring, you’ll want to spot treat it before washing it. Putting some ice on gunky stains like chewing gum or wax can help pull it up cleanly off the surface of your laminate floors. Rubbing alcohol or vinegar-based solutions can help with paint, ink, and grease. (Make sure you check the care instructions to make sure that won’t damage your flooring, though.) Either way, spot treating the tough stains before you turn to cleaning solutions and abrasive scrubbers can make a big difference to the longevity of your laminate floors. Which brings us to our next point….
3. Cleaning Delicately
Laminate flooring doesn’t respond well to aggressive cleaning methods, which means that you should carefully choose the products you use to clean them. Soft-bristle brooms and microfiber dust mops are two options you may want to have on hand. Additionally, because of their sensitivity to water, you are better off damp mopping laminate and should avoid wet mopping when possible.

If you choose to use a cleaning liquid, always be sure to read the instructions to prevent floor damage.
Whether you choose laminate floors for cost savings, style, or durability, taking proper care of them is important to maintain appearance and functionality. Proper care also helps to ensure your laminate floors don't need to be replaced prematurely.
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