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Corporate Sustainability - Creating a Cleaner, Safer, Healthier World
A Message from Our President and CEO
I believe that the culture and success of Tennant Company’s 150-year legacy is directly tied to our mission to empower our customers to create a cleaner, safer, healthier world. We aspire to make our communities better, and our focus on community translates into a culture of respect and care for our colleagues, our neighbors, our environment, our customers and business partners.
The annual Corporate Sustainability Report highlights our commitment to our community and the environment through investments in our four focus areas: Products, GHG Emissions/Energy, Waste, and People & Communities. I encourage you to explore the report and supporting documents here on our sustainability web page to learn more about the significant impacts our teams have made over the last year.
I am proud of the work our employees have done to advance progress towards our sustainability targets and look forward to continuing our sustainability journey as we work together to create a cleaner, safer, healthier world.

David W. Huml
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tennant Sustainability Report


Extending Innovation to Realize Broader Environmental Improvements in Our Products
Tennant Company is committed to creating and commercializing breakthrough, sustainable cleaning technologies. Our products enable our customers to significantly reduce their environmental impact.
GHG Emissions

Indirectly and Directly Reduce GHG Emissions in Our Operations and Along Our Value Chain
We transparently report GHG emissions to create mutual accountability between Tennant Company and our value stream partners, all in the spirit of creating a cleaner, safer, healthier world.

Reducing and Eliminating All Forms of Waste at Tennant Company
Our aspiration is that all purchased materials provide the highest and best use attainable to our customers and all other stakeholders. This aspiration feeds our broad view of waste to include operational inefficiencies as well as material and resource waste.
People & Communities

Commitment to a Culture of Unquestionable Integrity and Community Involvement
As a sustainable enterprise, Tennant Company's people are accountable to intentional giving, community involvement, company ethics, human rights, and facilities that protect the environment and employee safety.
ISO 14001

We were delighted to have successfully secured ISO 14001 certification in 2013, as it recognises Tennnant’s strong commitment to working hard to reduce the environmental footprint of our own facilities and operations. This applies to all aspects of the UK Sales & Service organisations.
Certification to this international standard assures our customers that, as their supplier, we have installed an Environmental Management System that is assessed twice annually.
ISO 14001 was first published as a standard in 1996 and specifies the requirements for an organisation's environmental management system. It applies to those environmental aspects over which an organisation has control and where it can be expected to have an influence.
The Tennant UK Sales and Service Organisation has an environmental policy that is available on request. Please use the Northampton contact address to request a copy.
The Tennant UK Sales and Service Organisation have decided not to communicate its environmental aspects to the public. For further information, please use the Northampton contact address.